Friday, September 26, 2008

Fall Fair Starts

Hello penguins, the Fall Fair started today. Swimdude is doing the pin. (To go to his blog, CLICK HERE.) The Fall is really cool, here are some pics. of my favorite room.

Here are the prizes for the members and non-members.

And here are the prizes (and room) for the members only.

That's it for now.

Waddle on,

Friday, September 12, 2008

New Pin, and New Play at the Stage

Hello penguins, sorry I haven't posted in a while. We've been busy with swimming, school starting, then I got sick. It's just one thing after another. Well, there's 2 new pins, one is hidden in the play, and one is at the Dock. Let's start with the Dock. Here's the photo of the Dock.

The next Pin is at the Stage. You have to click the stuff in this order.
1. The File Cabinet. 2.The Trash Can. 3. The Book. 4. The Door. 5. The Flower Vase. 6. The Painting.
7. The Vault. (The Vault shows up after you click the painting at the end.)

Till' next week.

Waddle on,