Friday, October 26, 2007

Halloween party starts, and the new pin is out

Hello penguins, today, it's Halloween party, candy search, and new pin.

Lets start with the candy search.

First you have to go and get a special container for your candy, it's in the Snow Forts.

First one is in the Pizza Parlor, click the pipe where the candy is stuck in and it'll shoot it out,

then click on the candy and continue your search.

Next one is in the Coffee Shop, click the big bowl of candy and it'll open up,

then click the candy and be on your way.

Third one is in the Forest, click the middle left of the biggest tree there,

click the corn candy and move on.

Fourth one is at the Lighthouse Beacon, it's in the life ring.

Click the Mullet's eye socket and a piece of candy will fall on the couch.

The sixth piece of candy is in the Night Club, click the puffle,

he will give you a Halloween Riddle, the answer is HAPPY HALLOWEEN,

he will give a candy apple.

Seventh piece is on Ski Mountain, click the scare crow and out comes a

candy bar, take it and move on to the last piece.

The last piece is in the Cove, click the binoculars,

wait a little bit and an octopus will appear, click the lollipop,(yum ^.^) and your search is over.

Time to get your prize, click your pumpkin on the top right corner and click "Claim Prize" and

it's a Halloween scarf.

That's it for the candy search, time for the pin.

The new pin is in the Cave, but watch out. (If you touch it, it will move to another place.)

That's it for now.

Waddle on,


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Club Penguin's 2nd birthday

Hello penguins, it's the 2nd year anniversary on Club Penguin.

And the 2nd year anniversary party hat and book are out.

Waddle on,

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Final Halloween sneak peek

Hello penguins, today, Billybob posted a new sneak peek. Well, it's pretty cool.

Here it is.


This sneak peek is in the Coffee Shop^

That's it for now.
Waddle on,


Friday, October 19, 2007

New igloo and furniture catalog

Hello penguins, today, the new igloo and furniture catalog is out.

That's it for now. see yah,

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Halloween sneek peek

Hello penguins, here are 3 sneak peeks of the Halloween party.

This sneak peek is in the forest. ^

This sneak peek is in the plaza. ^

And this sneak peek is in the cave. ^

That's it for now till' next time, waddle on,


P.S. The new furniture and pet catalog are coming out the 19th.

Monday, October 15, 2007

look who I found

Hello penguins, I hope you've been enjoying Club Penguin. Today, I finally found my long lost dad. ^.^ See?

What did I tell you?

Waddle on,


Friday, October 12, 2007

new item, pin, and chatbar

Hello penguins, today the secret item is here and like I told u, its hair.

The new pin is in the pet shop on the bag by the puffle o's, and it's a hair brush.

And Club Penguin changed the chat bar and one emotion.





See, What did I tell you? They changed the chat bar and one emotion.

Until next time, waddle on


Thursday, October 11, 2007

new item

hello again, I think I know what it is. heres a pic.

see? it might be hair. we'll see tomorrow

until next time, waddle on.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

hidden igloos and clothes

hello penguins, today, i'm going to show you hidden igloos and clothes.
here's how to get the snow globe igloo.
first click snow every time you see it.

then go back to the basic igloo, click the window, and then you can get the snow globe igloo (3700)

next igloo is the secret stone igloo,
click the crow bar and the secret stone igloo will show up. (2000)

next igloo is the secret deluxe stone igloo.
click the door of the deluxe igloo, and the secret deluxe stone igloo will show up. (5000)

that's it for the igloos, time for the clothes.

red viking helmet (750) is first.
click the face of the penguin diving into the bucket

open and close the red viking helmet 4 times to get the blue viking helmet (1200)

next are the fairy wings (400)
click the princess costume belt.

next up is the swim goggles. (220)
click the designer glasses and the swim goggles will show up.

next is the red guitar.(975)
click the wheels on the blue rollerskates.

well, that's it for now. sorry it took so long.

waddle on,